Saturday, March 9, 2024

dream 3-9-24

 I was driving a super fast sports car

like a lambo or ferarri.  it was a birthday rental from my mom.  so i had to return it but I wanted to ride it some more so i found my mom and asked her where I could get it back.  we were at the gas station corner of sycamore view and macon.  and then she told me it was up the street so we started walking together to go get the car again.  my mom slid down a hill into traffic but all the cars stopped.


i ran into the street and did the pray hands to the people in traffic and pulled my mom off the road.

  she was ok. she asked me why i was making those hand motions to them.  she described them like i was making some other kind of hand gestures. i think she called them honey hands.  i explained they were the praying hands emoji.  then we got to the car rental place and I had to find the guy that rents the car. 

I got the car back but it wasn't behaving correctly.  then the car was more like a leaf blower powered skiis with all these levers on the handles I couldn't figure out and the vehicle was difficult to figure out.

  I launched into the air into an aparatment building and grinded off the wall. 

People cheered for me.  then i did it again but smashed a window.  I just "drove" off though.  then i got to bartlett blvd and stage where there was a bunch of cops and an active shooter.

Then I was at some form of UPS trying to work again. 

I saw Adam Power go into a room and i followed him but he locked the door.  then i was kind of hiding behind a rack of clothes in clothing store. 

Then I saw adam again so I went in the room.  He said "havnet you been absent for a long time?  Well you don't work here anymore."  I started yelling and demanding he show me the paperwork.

  Then someone like Danny Griggs the manager appeared and confirmed i no longer worked there.  

I woke up but went back to sleep

then all i remember was sitting and a black man was eating a hot dog with hot sauce saying this is the way to eat em.  I said something how that's how I eat em too, but that he should try them this other way.

then i started waking up and realizing that's not how i actually eat hot dogs and I was trying to tell him I was full of shit but i woke up

Friday, March 8, 2024

 I was in bed with a girl I told her she looked like Lindsay Lohan and i was taking her shirt off.  3 more girls showed up to participate in a soon to be orgy.  Then I noticed some guy outside the window on a ladder looking in.  Then he climbed inside the house and was like something bad is happening.  the girls were gone as more people started coming inside the house.  i then was in a big green room like a library.  I think i was looking for a gun.  Then I'm in the backseat of my car and 2 dudes are in the front seats that stole my car.  BB was in the backseat with me and had a gun tucked under him.  We stopped and I got out, so did the driver and when he turned his head I shot him in the head and saw the blood on his head but he didn't die at all.  then the other guy up ahead shot BB 11 times and killed him.  I ran into an alley and hid behind a bush and reached into my pocket for more bullets but I kept pulling out screws and nails.  the 2 dudes showed back up and got out of the car.  that's all i remember.  

dream 3-7-24

 I was driving an suv down the interstate, i had passengers.  Ben rees was one of them.  i got off on an offramp that went left instead of the usual right.  my point of view switched to thrid person overhead and the suv banged along the guiderails.  then i was back in first person driving and saw Adam Robbins go by me as i was getting on the interstate into traffic going to other way i just came.  I called Adam and said lets go fishing.  He said he had to babysit his brother.  I said bullshit I see you right in front of me. he said ok lets go fishing.  we were in a garage getting our poles ready, my tacklebox had a unique yellow tool like a wallpaper remover but it had all sorts of lures and and stuff in it.  the water came right up to the garage and I fished alongside others from inside the garage.  there were people on kayaks or canoes in front of me fishing.  then i was fishing in a ditch/stream with 2 other people.  our lines all got tangled and I said  our lines are tangled.  I pulled back on my line and my lure was in a tree.  I slipped on my ass but knew my lure popped out of the tree so i stuck my feet up and closed my eyes.  i had sunglasses on.  then people started loading into my car.  there was this balding overweight middle aged man.  everyone was fat and my car was loaded down.  I couldn't control my car well.  it kept sliding off the road like my tires were super bald and the road was icy or wet.  i went up a hill into traffic.  there was a football game ahead that we had to wait on like they were traffic.  I finally got to go and pulled into the football field/road avoiding hitting cheerleaders and players.  back on the road my car was sliding all over the road around the hills.  but that bald dude said something like don't worry he's got it, he always gets us back on the road.  then its like, the bald dude ( at some point) was trying to tell me where he lived and how to get to his house but I must have ignored or dismissed it.  Next thing i Know i'm pulling up to a mansion down a long driveway.  It was the wrong house and people there informed me and the people i was with so we walked back out to the driveway and a bunch of black people and their cars were in the driveway.  then I was loading up more people in my car. at some point the bald dude was in there and said i tried to tell you where i live.  somewhere in my dream I was asking Sean Carrick where the "sweet grass" was that I remembered being there.  it was like a special grass that did something, maybe it was food.  back on the road with the carload of people my car was unctonrrollable once more and at a redlight this motocross motorcycle guy was flying through the air and I wasn't sure where he was going to land but i looked to my right and saw the edge of a lake and he flew that way but out of frame and i heard a splash and assumed he was okay.  i remember looking for the sweet grass.  that's all i can remember.